2004-08-12 ~ 2:16 p.m.
Trip Pics Set 1
Okay I have several sets of trip pictures for you. I am posting them here because most people I know or wnat to share the pics with came here so its easy to put them all here!!
These first ones are from Noah having a cake at my sisters, Jaidyn posing, & Chase at the house the day the movers were there.

Noah blowing out the candles on his second birthday cake for this year at my sisters!

My niece and nephew with Noah!

Isnt she pretty?

With her babies

With her babies again

Colorized with her carebears!

My cutie again!!
Moving Day!! Friday, Augsut 6th 2004 -
the movers are here!!

the moving truck

And another. Its so nice just to sit and watch others pack and move your stuff! lol

Chase was the only kid we had with us while the movers where there and he stayed happy playing in his car

Set two coming right up...
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