2004-08-12 ~ 2:42 p.m.
Trip Pics Set 4 - Last Ones
Trip Pics Set 4 - Last Ones!
Sets 1-3 found here:
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
These are just random from Monday until Today! :) Mostly just the kiddos!

Jaidyn and Chase on Monday

Noah jumping on the bed (which he knows he isn't supposed to do)

Chase Man in his I'm the Boss shirt


Eatting lunch

Jaidyn being cute
Bugs Bday only 1 good picture of the bday boy because I was too sick to do much :(

MY 6 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!!!

THursday: (TODAY)

Close up of Jaidyn

Isn't he adorable?
Thanks for looking! :)
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