2004-08-23 ~ 11:55 a.m.
Tooth & Pics
Chase got a new tooth! Its his other bottom tooth! Noah he has his 4 front top teeth and 4 front bottom teeth.
YAY Chasey on the teeth! Now I know why he was super cranky last week. He doesn't teeth well at all!!
I have pictures for you!!
See Noah and Jaidyns here: Noah & Jaidyn Pics
Here are some of Chase. Just random pics and some from when we were at Brian's co workers house house sitting and the kids played outside.

Playing in the kitchen cabinet at the hotel

Isn't he cute?

Climbing on the slide


Hugs for Daddy! :)

Chase with Matt's dogs Blue & Duke

Two of his sillyu daddy:

Brian doing a backflip

and two of our soon to be new house!!
its being painted right now. All the yellow trim will be white!!

The main part of the house. The window on the right of the picture (that you only see a little of) is the living room window

the rest of the house. The garage is the white part you see on the other side of the bushes
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