2004-08-24 ~ 3:25 p.m.
20 things
20 Things:
About Chase Man
1. born June 20, 2003
2. was born 10 days early just like Jaidyn.
3. was my only child I was induced and had an epi with because his heart rate
4. was my longest labor
5. has slept with me from day one (and he and I love it)
6. is very much a mommy's boy
7. but enjoys playing with daddy more now
8. has 8 teeth, getting his first at 10 1/2 months and his 8th just yesterday.
9. is full of personality
10. Very demanding
11. The comedian. Loves to laugh and make others laugh
12. Loves to follow around his brother and sister.
13. is a climber
14. loves outside
15. loves bathes
16. screams if he doesn't get his way (screaming now)
17. favorite word is Noah
18. loves animals
19. loves his picture taken
20. is mommy & daddy's liile man
20things about noah & jaidyn on their page too
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