2004-09-21 ~ 7:46 a.m.
My climber
I am such a slacker these days on all my journals and such!
Life is just crazy! Chase is feeling much better now. Back to his own getting into everything self! Gotta love that!
He climbs everything. He loves the stairs in the house and he climbs on the toliet to get on the counter in the bathroom and into the sink! Crazy kid!
He says "No" all the time now! lol
He loves to pick on the kids by turning off the tv while they are watching it, turning off the gamecube when they are playing, etc!
Anyway I have pictures (go figure right?)

Sleeping Boy (I have several sleeping pics to share in here)

Hugging his bear while sitting with Daddy!

Playing in his car. Yes its in my kitchen! lol I was putting up groceries!

Here is one of Jaidyn! :)

Sleepign on the couch!

I love this face he makes!

He looks so skinny here and so long!

Brian helping Noah ride his bike with no training wheels. He did fairly well but I didn't get any good pictures! :(

Another with his daddy and bear!! :)

So happy to be in the car! lol

Crazy face again
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