2004-09-24 ~ 11:47 a.m.
Chase's Sick Update
Its hand foot and mouth. blah.
None of my kids have ever gotten this. I actually didn't even really know what it was until today!!
His fever last week at the end of the week? Sign number 1. I read and the dr said that a fever is normally a first sign and 3 days later the sores appear. WoW it happened EXACTLY like that with him!
Actually as we sat in the dr office the little blisters started popping up on his hands and feet right before our eyes. It was so weird.
My poor baby! Its a virus so not much to do. Tylenol for pain, and I have some meds I was told to get that will help coat the sores so he can drink a little.
Other then that it looks like 7-10 days is what it takes for it to run its course. It has been 3 since the fever.
My poor baby! :(
More then likely Noah or Jaidyn are carrying the virus and not having symptoms of it (since Noah normally never gets as sick as anyone else he probably is carring it and he just has a cough! lol)and gave it to Chase.
Anyway I have gotten him to drink a little bit today! YAY. If he stopps drinking today or has fewer wet diapers then I am to take him back in, but hopefully we can make it through this without that!!
Anyway thanks for thinking about him this morning if you read my last entry and if you didn't just pray my little man gets better soon! He seems to always be sick these days.
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