2004-09-28 ~ 6:04 a.m.
Thanks & Pics
Alice thanks for your comment the other day when Chase was sick! :) You are so sweet and thanks for praying for my little guy!! :)
Chase is doing much much better these days. Happy, Healthy (now), and normal! :) Climbing everything, getting into stuff, being silly and just being a cute little man!
His new thing is to run and dive on Jaidyn's little carebear couch thing! Its so funny. He grins and laughes when he does it. Too crazy
I have pictures for you. Here and in the kids journal so check theirs out in a bit okay? I am putting pictures here first and then there.

I took this one the other day. It didn't come out as good as I wanted but Chase is adorable so it works! lol

Check out that look on the boy's face? Oh my he is so silly!!

Blowing on it

At the putt putt golf course on sunday

Climbing on the stool

Happy on his horsey

You know he is up to something when he makes this face

Standing on the horse


Now off to work on putting Noah and JAidyn's pictures up. I need to update the monthly pictures up until a year page (and starts a 1 to 2 year page.) And do the Milestones page. I am so lazy and behind on this stuff
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