2004-10-05 ~ 6:16 a.m.
Chase and the hat
We are working with Chase sleeping in his own bed all night every night now.
Its not easy! I tell ya!! Jaidyn went from our bed, to hers super easy (too easy, I was sad that she wanted out of our bed) but Chase isn't liking it.
He does fine starting out in his bed, but then he wants in ours. Brian took him half the night and then I took him the last half. In the end Chase and I ended up asleep on the couch!!
He is talking so much these days!!
Go and No are two of his favorite words!! lol He runs to the door saying "Go" if you put your shoes on. He knows your going somewhere!!
He brought me a diaper yesterday and handed it to me and then brought me the wipes. I laid him down and sure enough he had just made a dirty diaper! Smart kid! Doesn't like to be stinky! :)
Yesterday he was playing with a hat he has and I wanted to share some pictures (of course)

Jaidyn and Chase in Daddy's chair

Noah and Jaidyn playing Gamecube

And just Jaidyn
The hat thing was super cute because he would try and put it on and then hand it to me. I would put it on him. He would laugh and pull it off! lol
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