2004-10-20 ~ 7:01 a.m.
Silly Boy
Chase is crazy! He really is. Yesterday he spun around in circles saying "Go" until he would fall over, get back up and do it again. Crazy kid.
He climbed onto my kitchen counter yesterday too! ugh. He is a climber!
He always turns the tv off on the kids and that bugs them! lol
So much he does now. You know he is 16 months old today. 16 months! 2 more months and he will be 1 1/2!!! Time flies when your having fun!
oh and last night Chase took off his pj pants and kept trying to through them in the trash!! Silly boy!
Anyway pictures from yesterday. They are okayt. Not the great in the tech aspect of photography but just fine for snapshots a mommy likes of her kiddos! :) (there are a lot so sorry if it loads slowly)

On the top steps of the stairs and studing the roll of TP he put on his hand.

I like the look on his face in this one

My boys (yes they have matching shirts!)

Jaidyn in her new PJs and Chase (she wore those ALL day almost yesterday)

All 3 playing after they were in their pj's last night

Eatting a donut
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