2004-10-29 ~ 2:20 p.m.
Costume Pics
Chase Man is doing well. He is starting every night out in his own bed and then between 2-4 am he will crawl in bed with us, which is fine with both Brian and I.
Yesterday I baked cookies and Noah goes "ummmm Cookies" and says says "Cookie" and keeps saying it over and over and over again! lol
He says "Thank You" a lot not too!
He is just too dang cute.
Here are some pictures I took of him and Jaidyn in their costumes today:

"I don't want to be a froggy!!" I love this picture

Still not liking the costume (he liked it just fine last time we tried it on him)

"I said I want this thing off!!"

"Maybe its not so bad after all"

And yes that is snow outside the window on the ground! :)
Here are Jaidyn's:

Isn't she just the prettest princess?

She was watching Dora when I took this one! lol

I don't know what she was doing in this one! lol

And her comstume from behind! :)
More Pictures in the next entry!
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