2004-12-15 ~ 7:58 a.m.
All night
Wow Chase slept all night in his own bed. WOW.
I totally didn't expect that to happen. We have been working with him getting him into his own bed and in his own room because we know it will be easier now then to wait until right before the baby.
But I totally expected him to come into our room several times like he normally does, but nope. He slept there all night long.
Wow. I guess its just another sign that he is getting way too big. You know next week he will be 18 months old?
18 months old. I remember when this journal was started. I was 4 weeks pregnant and so totally nervous and scaried something bad would happen. Now I have my cute, sweet, funny, silly, handsome big boy!!
I am kind of sad he is growing up. And sad that he won't be my littlest baby anymore in some ways. But excited to because I love seeing all the new things he is learning and silly things he does./ I am going to love watching him with a new baby and being a big brother.
So much going on in my head this morning. I love my little boy.
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