2004-12-17 ~ 6:49 p.m.
Chase has been giving kisses all the time here lately!
All the time! He kisses me when he first wakes up. He kisses my hand, my nose, my cheek. lol He is crazy.
If he gets told no about something he says "Hug" and hugs and kisses you! lol Too cute. He is such a charmer already!
We have a night time thing going on now with him. At 8:30 Brian takes him into his room and Chase will crawl into his bed and cover himself up. Brian turns off the light and uses the night light to read to him. About 20 minutes later Brian comes out and Chase is asleep.
Last night he woke up once and I took him back to bed laid him down and then sat next to his bed for 10 minutes and he went back to sleep for the rest of the night.
At 4-5 am (when Brian's alarm goes off about 10 million times) he normally wakes again and crawls into bed with me and stays there until time to get up. Which I must add he would sleep much later in the mornings if I didn't have to wake him up to take Noah to school (which I don't have to do for a couple weeks now! yay)
Anyway so its going well. I miss him next to me all night, but he was getting to the point where he wasn't sleeping well in our bed. He would wake up because he was between Brian and I and didn't ahve room to roll over or whatever.
Anyway, that is prety much my Chase update. I can't believe that Monday he will be 18 months old!! It goes too fast
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