2005-01-12 ~ 9:20 a.m.
Now days when you point the camera at Chase he says "Cheese" and gives you the fakest, sillest grin ever! lol
Anyway here are some pics of him:

Eating. Normally he uses a spoon, but he decided hands were better that time around!

Jaidyn eating too

Playing Noah's gameboy

When I asked him what he was doing I got this look! lol

Then it was "Cheese" and the silly grin

Another of Jaidyn

Isn't he getting so big?

Cheese again

And Again
A few from last week:

He had this thing with q-tips last week! lol He carried them around a lot

Noah and Chase playing
Another of the boys

Bucket Head (HE LOVES to do this now)

Last one for now! :)
Anyway those are chase man pics for now! Nothing really exciting going on or for me to tell about!
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