2005-01-18 ~ 12:41 p.m.
Pics & update
Here are some pics I took of him yesterday, some of you have seen them already:

Go check out Noah and Jaidyn's journal in a minute for their pics and updates on them too!!
Chase still doesn't feel well. He has been napping since right after 11 oclock this morning, which is so not normal.
He is not doing the weird breathing thing anymore which is good!
Anyway I figured I would do an 18 months update on my boy since he will be 19 months old in just 2 days!
Lets see. Chase is getting big! About 23 lbs now and I am not sure how tall. I have to call and make him his 18 month appt (yes I know its late) so I canfind out.
He wears 12 months pants and 18 month shirts. So much more tiny then my other two at this age. Noah was in 2T at 12 months and Jaidyn in 2T by 18 months!
He is very outgoing. Loves to smile, laugh and make others laugh and smile too. He loves his daddy and when Brian c omes in from work he runs up to him and says "Hi, Daddy" and follows him around. Its so cute.
He loves playing with all his big brother and sisters toys. Its funny because he loves Jaidyn's dolls and such! lol She is who he plays with the most! :)
He talks a whole lot now his list of words is too long to post all of but here are a few words/phrases:
ball, bottle (his cup is a bottle to him), hat, lady (our dog), baby, Noah, Bubba, Jada (Jaidyn), Daddy, Dada, Mama, eat, yay, banana, cookie, play, brat, Ready Set Go (then he runs), Go, Bye bye, Hi, Yeah, Night Night, and so many more I can't think of right now.
He loves to give hugs and kisses to us all. If he knows he isn't supposed to do somehting and we catch him he will give us a big hug and kiss and smile! lol
He is into everything. He climbs on everything. Noah's bunk beds, the bathroom sink (which he turns on when he gets in it), the fridge (he can open it), etc. He isn't scared of anything and jumps off of things. He is so fearless sometimes it scares me!
I have a hard time beliving he is really going to be a big brother soon. In so many ways he is so little and such a baby to me, though he does so much and acts older sometimes too.
He snuggles, he still comes to our bed at night, he still wants to cuddle with me during the day. He is just my sweet little cuddle bug Chase and I love him sooooo much
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