2005-02-02 ~ 6:18 a.m.
So cute
Chase Man is just the cutest thing! OMG I wish you guys could all see how cute he is in person.
He makes us laugh all the time around here. He has the cutest, addictive smile, and he is just amazing.
Last night Brian and I were playing with him and he had us cracking up. He is just super silly. ALL the time!
He says a lot of 2-3 word phrases now. Like he layed on the couch the other day exactly where I had been sitting and when I looked at him and told him I was sitting there he grinned and said "My spot" lol He is too cute.
He is a smarty pants too. Knows exactly what we are saying all the time.
I love this boy.
Oh and Jaidyn put a dress on hi yesterday! lol Brian told me I was mean for having taken a picture of it! lol It was adorable though and then she was calling him a princess! lol
He likes to play with Jaidyn's dolls and barbies and such too which is too cute. Of course he plays with a girl all day long so he is used to girly stuff. At that age Jaidyn played with a lot of boy stuff because she only played with Noah.
Anyway nothing else to say really. I guess I will go update the older kiddos & the baby to be's journals now! :)
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