2005-02-11 ~ 7:40 a.m.
he grew! lol
Lets see what is new with Chase for you?
Not much really. Yesterday he wouldn't nap. It was crazy. He has napped great all week and then yesterday when I planned to shower during his nap, he wouldn't go down. Funny how that works yes?
Yesterday he stood on the scale in my bathroom and it said 23 1/2 lbs! Which is great. He has been 21-22 pounds since 13 months old! He so needed to gain atleast a little!
Still in 18 month clothes. Some of his pants are 12 months still.
He is getitn close to 20 months old. NOOOOOOOOO. That means just a few more months and he will be 2!! That so can't happen. He cannot turn 2!
Okay so he can, and he will but I don't have to like it! lol
This summer is going to be crazy. June 20th Chase turns 2, June 29th is my nephew Jonathon's 16th birthday (yes he will be 16), July 20th is my oldest sisters birthday. August 5th baby to be is due (lets hope it comes in July so I will have June, July and Augsut covered! lol) August 10th is Noah's 7th birthday, August 12 is my nephew Tj's 10th birthday, Augsut 15 is my sisters hubbys birthday, Augsut 28th is my sisters birthday (the one with named hubby and nephew above also in August! lol)
So yeah summer will be crazy plus school will start again in August for Noah.
Anyway I got off the Chase subject here for a minute. Sorry!
Anyway he is adorable. Cute. Wonderful. Smart. Funny. And of course a normal kid! :)
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