2005-02-17 ~ 11:30 a.m.
Chase is crazy. He really is!! He was telling knock knock jokes the other day. too funny.
He says knock knock and I repeated him and he said "No, knock knock. Who there" meaning I was supposed to say who's there. Crazy kid
He is so silly all the time. He has finally learned to say up these days. Before he would say "down" when he wanted up or down, but now he says "up" when he wants up and down when he wants down.
He babbles a lot in baby talk I don't understand but more and more he is talking and saying real words.
Snack is a favorite of his now! lol. He says snack all the time. ALL the time! lol
He will be 20 months old soon. That so can't happen. He can't be nearing 2 so soon. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Where the heck did my baby go?
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