2005-02-18 ~ 2:44 p.m.
funny things
Early today Chase hit his head on something and looked at me, rubbed his head and said "Ouch. That hurt." lol
CRAZY kid.
He loves to point to his mouth, his ears and his nose when you ask. He shows you his belly when asked and his feet and hands. He will not do eyes even though I know he knows what they are. Crazy kid. WHen he finds your nose he tries to stick his finger in a nostral. lol Gross but funny. If you ask him his feet he sticks them in the air! lol and if you aks about his hands he says "Five" and wants to give you a 5! lol CRAZY BOY! I love this boy.
I do. I do. I do.
Gotta go get Noah now so I have to wake the sleeping boy :( Maybe he will go back to sleep in the car. A lot of times he does!
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