2005-02-25 ~ 6:54 a.m.
Chase Land
All is good in Chase Land!
He is sleeping all night in his own bed every night these days! YAY.
I miss snuggling but with being pregnant I have a hard enough time sleeping and staying comfy without him in there!!
He is getting cuter every day. He says something new, or does something new every single day. Its hard to keep up with all he is learning now days.
He likes to point to his mouth, his nose, his ear, his belly and his feet. All the time he wants you to tickle his feet and belly when he showes you were they are. So cute.
Sometimes he will lay down in front of me, stick his feet up at me and say "Feet" lol So I tickle them and he giggles. So cute.
My sweet boy. He loves his cuddles from mommy and daddy. Always wanting to cuddle. When not cuddling he is running off finding some new adventure to try!!
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