2005-03-07 ~ 10:45 a.m.
Chase Man's Trip
Hi everyone! :)We made it to texas. Chase did great in the car. A little cranky here and there but over all he did great.
He loved when we stopped at Mcdonalds and Burger King and he got to play in the play areas!! He climbed into the tubes and everything. So cute he is.
Saturday he was sick. Throwing up on and off all day long, but he did that when we moved to Casper too and have been told it was the change in altude )sp?)And I think they are right because he was fine and no one else got sick. It just gets to him I guess.
He went with me yesterday to take Bri to the airport. He gave Brian a huge hug and kiss. I think he understood daddy was leaving for awhile :( Poor guy will miss his daddy.
Chase is p[retty good with my nephew darrian. He does try and take some toys away from him but he has never played with a younger baby before. He is learning quickly. Last night they just giggled and played together.
He also did something super vcute. He was playing with his pop up toy and as he pushed them back down he said "Bye bye" and waved to each one! lol So cute.
He learned to jump off my nieces bed onto the kids air mattetress we have in that room already. Crazy, daring kid.
He always wants to go outside and pay. My crazy outdoors boy.
Yesterday my sister and I went shoppinh got the kids. I got each of the kids some clothes and the older ones new shoes. Chase ended up with lots of clothes. Lots of sales and I couldn't resist plus he had outgrown all his summer/spring clothes from last year so he needed new stuff.
Anyway he is mad at Jaidyn so I should go.
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