2005-03-14 ~ 9:25 a.m.
Chase's Hand & Pics
Chase Man updates! :)
He is doing good. He and my nephew Darrian play together. Of course they fight over toys since both are the babies in their families, but he is getting better.
Saturday was my nephew Darrian's 1st birthday party. See what happen4ed to Chase?

He touched the bbq pit :( It was so awful. He screamed for over an hour. Poor baby. It is healing now and he is doing good with it though.
Here are a few random pics of Chase and Darrian:

Chase sleeping

He looks a lot like Noah here

This is Darrian

Darrian's bday cake

Dar with his presents

Of course the first birthday cake messy face shot.

Chase and Noah playing with one of Darrian's toys

Darria playing with a new toy

Darrian & Chase playing with the wibble town that Chase jsut loves now. I so have to get him one.
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