2005-03-28 ~ 10:37 a.m.
Potty & Talking
Chase's new thing is to first thing in the morning tell me he needs to go potty, take off his diaper and run into the bathroom. So I sit him on the potty. 2 out of the 4 mornings he has actually gone potty in there! Very cool.
I have no idea why he is interested in going potty. I don't push it. Never even thought to ask him if he wanted to go potty yet.
Very cool though. No hopes on him being potty trained soon thouigh. I know how kids are! :)
He talks so much these days. It seriously amazes me because he even said the word jealous yesterday! lol He said it very clearly too!
I have tons of pictures from egg coloring, the park & all that fun stuff we did this last week, I just have to resize them all, etc
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