2005-04-19 ~ 9:40 a.m.
Chase's weekend w/daddy
Chase spent his first weekend away from mommy this past weekend.
Brian kept all 3 kids from Friday until about 2 pm on Sunday while I went to my grandmothers for the weekend.
They were great for him and had a great time! Chase did much much better then I thought he would since I have never been away from him for more then acouple hours at a time!!
He also went to my u/s with us (Jaidyn & Brian too) and saw his baby SISTER on the screen! :)
He is an awesome kid. He really is. Last night he didn't want to go to sleep but he laid down and just talked to himself for an hour ad then went to sleep right next to me! He never got up, never cried. It was just too cute.
He loves playing outside all the time. He loves all animals. He calls all dogs Lady because that is my dogs name. He calls cats, cat. lol
He picks up Noah's gameboy and says "Play Game" and tries to play! lol Too funny.
He says everything. EVERYTHING. I can't count the words he says or the phrases anymore. Too many. He has said up to 4 or 5 word sentences now which is awesome.
Can you believe he will be two in just a couple short months? And its funny becayse by 2 both my older kids were in like 3t Clothes. He is in 18 months and some of them are a little big! LOL Its crazy!!
Of course my other two got big fast as babies but now they are tiny little things. Noah is in 5-6 shirts & 6 in pants and jeans (right with his age). Jaidyn is in 4 shirts but 3T pants still are a tad too big.
I wonder if chase will always just be tall and skinny. He is built more like Bri and I were as babies.
Speaking of Chase he is a bit cranky since I got back. I think because he is scared I will leave again. Poor little man. I am not going anywhere! :)I missed him so much when I was away from him for just those couple short days.
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