2005-05-31 ~ 10:02 a.m.
Pee wee
Chase man is doing good. He is getting so big!
Just 3 weeks left and he turns 2!! 2! Can you believe that? A lot of you have been reading this since I was prengnat with him and now here he nears 2 years old. I am just so amazed at how fast it always seems to go by.
He talks so much & plays like such a big kid much of the time these days. He loves our new puppy though he doesn't pick him up very well.
He is attached to his daddy a lot of times these days which is actually really good since baby is coming soon and I think that will be a big adjustment for him.
He is a little peewee. He is so tiny. Less then 25 lbs and still in 18 months shirts. His shorts are all 9-12 month shorts!! My little pee wee
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