2005-06-03 ~ 10:09 a.m.
2 weeks until & pics
2 weeks & 3 days until little man turns TWO!!! He so cannot be almost 2. Nope he sure cant be.
He seems so little to me in many ways, but so much older in others. Like, he still wants me to lay wiht him at night and nap times. He still needs to hold my hand while he is sitting next to me. He is still in 18 month clothes, etc. But then again, he opens doors, turns on water, goes potty sometimes on his own ( he went poo poo on his own in the potty yesterday!!), he talks super well & all the time, he says 2 when he has 2 things in his hands or sees 2 things. He knows so much that it amazes me.
He is getting so so big.
Last weekend Bri, Chase & I went out to dinner (The other 2 were at my sisters), car shopping & to toys r us and we ended up buying each of the kids something, just because we havewn't in awhile.
This is what Chase got:

Yep its a 10inch bike. He always wants to ride the kdis bikes so we bgot him his own! He loves it and can actually almost do it on his own.

Helping Daddy lower the seat.
So cute. He loves outside. He is such a daredevil outside too. Silly boy.
He is getting more and more attached to Bri these days. Probably because Bri has taken over nightly bathes for the kids & bedtime since we know I will probably be busy with new baby during these times and we wanted Chase used to daddy doing them. He ha sactually adjusted very very well to it! :)
Anyway I have uopdated my pregnancy journal if you haven't seen that yet today for 31 weeks and I am going to update hte older kids site now so check there ina bit too
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