2005-07-17 ~ 5:27 p.m.
Chasey Update & Pics
I have so been slacking in this journal lately. Been so busy around here and with updating my pregnancy journal I just haven't gotten to the kids journals.
Chase is crazy like always. Getting so big. Its hard for me to believe he has been 2 for almost a month now. Where did my baby go?
He goes to sleep on his own in his own bed every ngiht now. wow. He alwahys slept with me so its odd. He talks all the time and knows exactly what he wants., He loves following his big brother everywhere. He always askes where Noah is if he doesn't see him and then follows him everywhere.
He is obessed with cell phones. Mine mostly! lol craxzy boy. He doesn't watch any cartoons at all. Barely will watch tv, but he likes animal planet shows when he will watch tv.
A few pictures of my little guy:

Climbing in the pantry. He climbs so much!

With a can of beans

Big Boy

In black and white

Laughing when daddy touched his neck

Just a cute pic.
He loves to help do everything around the house. He likes to put the spoons up from the dishwasher to the drawer. Help load the washer. All that fun stuff. He listens pretty well most of the time, but gets into EVERYTHING!
He loves to touch all the baby stuff we have in the house and says "Baby". He touched my belly the other day and said "Baby" and then lifted my shirt and said "See baby" he wanted to see her, but of course he can't yet! SOON!!!
He is always asking where we are if he can't find us. I was in the bathroom and I heard him yelling "mama, where are you?' over and over agian the other day
He will tell me to tie his shoes if they come untied. he will go potty several times a day in the potty though we aren't pushing the potty training.
He loves animals! He pets our dogs all the time and helps Noah feed them. He watches the fish swim in the tank. He loves to chase bugs outside
He loves bathes and swimming. He just LOVES water so much.
He would stay outside all the time if we let him. He rides his 4wheeler and steers it very very well now. He also can peddle his bike like an old pro.
He is just the coolest little boy. I lvoe his personality.
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