2005-08-03 ~ 9:22 a.m.
Chase is a big brother
I haven't posted here in a bit, but Chase is now a big brother. WOW
He is doing super well with Hailey & it has really surprised me a lot. He likes to look at her, talk to her, help hold her some and all that fun stuff. He still wants to sit with me of course but doesn't mind if Hailey is in my arms too! YAY I was super worried about that really.
He is acting out a bit more then normal. Cranker & having a few more fits, but other then that he is adjusting well.
He is crazy as always. He calls all money dollars. Too cute. He has some change in a piggy bank and he points to it and tells us "Look, my dollars" lol So funny.
He says "NO" way too often now. sigh. He over uses the word these days. ugh.
When he has to try and get something and finally gets it he says "I got it"
He talks so much and in sentences so well now. He is getting so super big. I can't believe my baby boy is now a big brother and getting to be a big boy!!!
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