2005-08-05 ~ 10:27 p.m.
Sweet Boy
Finally fixed the layout! :)
Nothing fancy or really different but atleast its fixed! And updated!!
Chase told Hailey he loved her tonight! awww. So sweet. I was nursing and she was looking around. He leaned over her and said "Hi baby" and smiled at her. Then he rubbed her head and said "I love you baby" awww Melted my heart. My sweet boy.
He also tried to put a sock on her today & he wiped her mouth when she spit up too! He is so good with her. If she even starts to cry he doesn't like it at all and calls me to get her! lol
He has had a few fits lately. I expected them. Its all new to him. Poor guy is going to be lost next week when Noah starts school & the following week when Jaidynstarts too! He is going to be lonely. He is so used to having them to play with!!
Anyway you want to see pics of my boy I am sure:

He had a pretty big fit today and this is how it finally ended! lol

Tire swing fun again!!

Loving the swing still

A boy & his dog!!

Blowing kisses

Chase & Hailey!!
Older ~ Newer