2005-08-11 ~ 4:52 p.m.
Chase'y Pics
Chase man is doing great with Hailey, but you can tell it gets to him. He is grumper then normal. Has more fits. Doesn't want kids other then Hailey, Jaidyn, Noah & him near me! lol He doesn't like to hear her cry. He makes me get her right away. He is talking to her right now even.
He is testing his limits majorly these days which isn't good at all! ugh. We have to stay on him at all times.
Here are some pictures from today and yesterday (noah's birthday)

Being silly this morning

Another of him from this morning

Kicking his big red "ball ball" as he calls it

Playing with Daddy

Eating lunch yesterday

My boys last night.
Oh no. Had to tell Chase he couldn't fed Hailey snacks. Crazy kid.
Anyway go check out the kids journal for Noah's 1st day of school/brithday pics (and some of Jaidyn & chase on there too) and Haileys journal for her pictures and 2 week stats!! :)
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