2005-08-13 ~ 9:07 p.m.
My son. The Nut!
My son is a nut. He is a crazy kid I tell you.
He talks all the time! ALL THE TIME!!!
He repeats everything and you can ask him things and get real answers. You can actually have a conversation with him these days. Its too cute.
He has been doing better about going to bed at a normal time again now that we have the kids on school schedule every night but Saturday night.
He loves to follow Noah around everywhere still. And Jaidyn too. Though he and Jaidyn fight a lot more over toys and such then they used to.
He doesn't play well with my nephew Darrian anymore. Not since I had the baby. I think he is jealous of anyone else who might get my attention right now. He doesn't get that way with Noah, Jaidyn or Hailey, but with Darrian he seems to get jealous.
He still likes to help with Hailey. If she cries he tells me she is crying. And wants to try and help get her. If she is in teh carseat (from us bringing her in form the car asleep in it) Chase tells me "I help get baby"
When he is playing and excited he talks but in this high pitched screetching talk. Its awful! lol Then he will do this growling, deep voice and talk sometimes too.
When he does those its hard to understand what he is saying but when he talks normal you canunderstand him well.
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