2005-08-19 ~ 7:52 a.m.
Missing Jaidyn & Loving Hailey
Poor Chasey doesn't understand why he can't go to school like his brother and sister :(
Yesterday when we were getting into the car to take Jaidyn to school he kept asking "Mama, me school" He wanted to go too!! Poor guy.
We walked Jaidyn in and he was such a good boy. He sat on the bench while we waited for her teacher to come get the kids to walk them to their class room. It was so cute how he just sat there. Then when Jaidyn went with her teacher I had him come with me out the door and once we got out he stopped. "Wheres Jaidyn?" he asks and gets mad when I say she has to stay!!
Once we got home though he did okay. He layed next to and talked to Hailey. I got pictures of them together plus took out my camcorder yesterday with him and Hailey. So cute.
Here are of course pics:

Chase before we took Jaidyn to school

Jaidyn & Chase

"I am ready to go mommy!!"

"Why are you crying, Hi-ley?"

"Can I drive?"

Wearing my shoes (he loves to wear others shoes) & playing with his chainsaw (toy of course! Lol)

Watching himself and Hailey on video (on the camera)

"see it baby?" he kept trying to show the video to Hailey

Sitting with Hailey.

"baby sit by me" he had to have her sit by him yesterday. lol

Talking to baby while she was in her swing.
He was so good with her all afternoon when it was just them. So cute
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