2005-09-25 ~ 8:35 p.m.
Pictures with family
Chase isn't feeling well. He still has a runny nose and is super cranky.
We had company this weekend (well from late wednesday night until this morning).
Here are some pics:

Daddy and Chase playing today

Its funny to put things on daddys head

Chasey and Hailey

Chase & Jaidyn on Wednesday

The downfall of automatic opening doors on the van. He likes to ride it.

Trying to sneak candy

Chase and Jaidyn with their aunt shelly

Chase & Jaidyn eating

Chase, Hailey and I (yes I am nursing her)

Playing catch
A couple more of Hailey I forgot on her page:

Now I am off to add pictures and update to Noah & Jaidyn's page. haileys is already updated.
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