2005-09-29 ~ 10:10 p.m.
Silly Boy
Chase is too funny.
Every night before bed he has to kiss everyone. First its Hailey, then Jaidyn, Brian, Me and then he makes us lift him up to Noah's top bunk and kisses Noah on the head.
He does this every night. And then he says "Love me mama?" and I say "Yes I love you Chase." and he says "Love you too" lol Too cute.
Noah won't let anyone but me kiss him anywhere but on the very top of his head. I can kiss him on the cheek but that is it. Well now Chase is tilting his head down to be kissed on the head like his big brother. Though he puckers up until you kiss him.
He loves kisses, hugs and I love yous. So sweet.
He has also started saying "huh?" That was cute at first but now he says it all the time! ALL THE TIME! lol
Tonight he snuck out of bed and I put him back in twice. Well then I was looking at the computer and not really paying attention when I heard a noise in the living room where I am at. I turned around and noticed a package of daipers sitting in a different spot then where I had put them. Peaked behind them and there was chase hiding behind the diapers between the tv stand and a shelf thingy we have in the living room! lol
Too funny. He is such a sneak
Oh and yeah he always carries my keys out of Jaidyn's school for me when we drop her off. Normally he crawls in while I strapping Hailey in and tries to put the keys in where they go. Normally he can get it half way in and then crawls in his carseat for me to buckle him in.
Well today he got the keys in and started my van! I was in shock!!
This kid is way too smart and pays way too much attention to everything everyone does around here!!
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