2005-10-03 ~ 6:43 p.m.
Chase in the woods
Chase is a handful. Cute. Very very cute, but still a handful.
He is all over everywhere and into everything. I am not really sure what to do with him. I mean my others were never like this at that age! Crazy.
He is always talking these days. He repeats everyhting. His favorite word is "huh".
If you tell him to go to the corner when he is in trouble he does. He cries but he does it. Oops hold on he just went outside....
Okay its an hour later. I went over to get him from my sisters yard and spent awhile visiting over there.
Anyway we went out to Brian's deer lease on Sunday morning and the kids had a blast. Here are a few of Chase out there:

Tired and Dirty after a long day at the deer lease.

My cutie

Trekking through the woods

These next to go one right after another

Picking his nose

LOL So gross. Very very gross! lol
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