2005-11-04 ~ 12:40 p.m.
Help & Pics
I need help, so I am going to ask you guys. Please, any advice I am more then willing to hear.
Since this is Chase's journal you can figure its about Chase right? lol
But really, Chase is completely out of control. 80% of the time, the boy is a complete brat these days. I have no idea what to do.
We have tried time outs, tryed time in his room, tried talking to him, redirecting him, etc. Even spanked him once or twice (which I hate hate hate)
But nothing is working. I am very consist with the rules and such so I figured it would be getting better by now, but its not.
I thought at first he got really bad because of the baby being born, but now I am starting to see that I babied him alot thinking he would be my last. He always got what he wanted, rarely was told no and had my complete attention most of the time.
He hits people, he bits, he screams, he yells, he never listens, he runs off, he gets into everything. I just don't know. Sometimes he will chase one of the older kids around with something trying to hit them for no reason at all! He gets mad at me and yells "Mean brat" in my face and tries to hit me. I hate taking him anywhere becuase I know he isn't going to listen to me.
He threw my cell phone in the toliet yesterday which I was upset about but talked to hima bvout not touching the cell phone, blah blah blah. Well today he took Brian's phone apart (yes the cover, battery, back etc all apart) and threw it in the yard while I was getting the baby out of the carseat!! Thankfully that fun works.
At jaidyn's school while we are waiting for her teacher to walk down to get the kids to take them to call he never listens, climbs on everything, pulls leaves off plants and tries to get things off the bullitine board.
He is so totally nothing like my other two were. They NEVER acted like this. EVER. Especailly not when we weren't at home. He is so totally one of those kids that when I see someone else have one like I always think "Why cant this parent control their kid?"
Well I understand now!
HELP!!! What can I do? Any ideas? Advice? Anyone been in this situation?
I love this boy to peices and sometimes he is so sweet & loveable. He gives everyone kisses at night and tells everyone he loves them. He helps me do things. He loves playing with Hailey and kissing her. He likes to sit with me, loves to help brian fix things. He can be such a good boy sometimes, but lately the "spirted" side is sticking out a lot more.
So please if you read all this and have any advice reply in the guestbook or in my notes: NOTES
And to end this email I will share a few pictures of my boy. He still is a cutie and I love him to bites even if I think he is going to drive me nuts!

And just incase you didn't see them on Hailey's journal his halloween pics:

Did I mention he loves halloween? He went to all the doors and said trick or treat and thank you. Then he would run back to me (I stayed by the car with Hailey. Brian walked up with him) and would show me what he got and then be off again! It was so cute and he loved it!
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