2005-12-03 ~ 1:58 p.m.
silly things he says
Chase has been sick so I was giving him medicine. Everytime he thought he needed some more medicine he would say "My tummy hurts. Poor medicine" and would be holding his tummy and moaning. hehe. His tummy never hurt! Silly boy.
He told Brian he was a bad boy yesterday! lol He was watching me do something the other day adn said :What is that stuff?"
He likes to say "I helped you mama" too! He loves to help with everything!
He enjoyed helping us put up the chtristmas tree which was fun!!
Helping with the tree:

Chase with his boots ornament for this year:

Boots on the tree:

Look at how many of us there really is with all the stockings! lol

Sitting with daddy:

Everyone but Hailey (who was asleep) was stuck to daddy this day:

How does he sleep like that:


Lining up his cars:

Our christmas tree:
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