2006-01-12 ~ 6:01 a.m.
Chase Pictures & Update
We went out of town this weekend and Chase had lots of fun!! He kept calling my Mother in law "Papa" instead of grandma! lol He heard the kids call my father in law Papa so that is what he called them both! lol
He saw lots of people he hadn't seen in like a year so it was fun!!
Here he is with Paige. She is Brian's brothers daughter and is 3 months older then him:

How cute are they holding hands like that? TOO CUTE!!
He talked so much all weekend! lol He was so funny! He didn't like when he would get around people he didn't remember well though. He wouldn't go near them at first. But by the end he was waving and saying "Bye Guys" to them all when they left and blowing them kisses! lol
Playing with my sisters cat!

I didn't get a lot of pics of him because he stayed so busy running around. There are some pictures he is in on Haileys site too if you want to see those!!
He also got christmas gifts from a friend online last week. We had a christmas exchange thing and this is what he got:

Does he not look so big here? But he got those clothes. And this:

He is such a sweetie.
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