2006-06-05 ~ 1:50 p.m.
He turns 3 in 15 days!!
Wow. I have no idea when I updated this last!!
Chase will be 3 in 15 days. 15 days. wow. I want to go back and read about my pregnancy with him and his first few days again now.
It doesn't seem possible that he could actually be about to turn 3 already. Where did my baby boy go?
You should see him. He is an awesome kid. He is smiling all the time, laughing and happy almost all the time. He is crazy, into everything, very high energy too though.
He is very independant and wants to do everything on his own, but he refuses to use the potty. lol Oh well that will come in time.
He talks up a storm and thinks of the crazies things.
Since I wrote last he has scared me several times. He passed out the other day. He choked on candy awhile back and I almost had to call 911 because it took me awhile to get it to come back up and his lips were turning blue. scary.
He loves being outside, riding his bike, his four wheeler, climbing trees, etc.
He loves hailey and is always making her laugh.
I love my boy. Pictures soon and of course after his birthday party and birthday I will post about that too. I know I seriously have been lacking on updating these journals, but when you have four kids life is a bit, well, busy! :)
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