Birth to 1 month 3rd Tri 2nd Tri 1st Trip
2003-04-06 - HOME2003-04-03 - My appt and Pics2003-04-02 - Feeling Better & Appt tomorrow2003-04-02 - my back still2003-04-01 - My BACKACHE!! OUCH2003-04-01 - Weeding through baby clothes2003-03-31 - 27 weeks2003-03-31 - 27 weeks2003-03-30 - -2003-03-29 - birthday!2003-03-28 - my nibblet2003-03-28 - Movement, complaining & rambling2003-03-26 - On my bladder2003-03-27 - Heartburn! BLAH2003-03-27 - 26.5 weeks2003-03-26 - New Layout??2003-03-26 - -Rambling------------------------2003-03-25 - Belly Picture Update2003-03-25 - Thinking about...2003-03-24 - Check out..2003-03-24 - 26 weeks2003-03-23 - sleepy, hormonal., & Cranky2003-03-22 - Pictures of my Niece2003-03-21 - Belly Pictures2003-03-21 - My Niece is HERE2003-03-21 - My SIL2003-03-20 - My 25 week Appt.2003-03-20 - past 6:152003-03-18 - name, paticents, & more2003-03-17 - 25 weeks!2003-03-16 - nothing much2003-03-15 - more stuff2003-03-14 - weeks, days, wanting to meet him2003-03-13 - Feeling better2003-03-12 - Teeth2003-03-11 - my teeth2003-03-10 - -2003-03-10 - 24 weeks2003-03-09 - sometimes2003-03-08 - 2 days until 24 weeks2003-03-07 - baby stuff2003-03-06 - Froggy outfit2003-03-05 - u/s picture updated2003-03-05 - UTI more then likely2003-03-05 - 23 weeks 2 days2003-03-04 - normal stuff2003-03-03 - He is still a he2003-03-03 - 23 weeks2003-03-02 - other things2003-03-01 - active baby2003-02-28 - 22 weeks 4days2003-02-27 - healthy food2003-02-27 - nothing exciting2003-02-26 - have a good day