Birth to 1 month 3rd Tri 2nd Tri 1st Trip
2003-02-25 - My Rant2003-02-25 - not much2003-02-24 - oops2002-09-24 - not what I planned...2002-12-22 - 1st of many christmas things2002-12-22 - Sunday Rambles2002-12-21 - tired & kind of sick2002-12-20 - congrats2002-12-20 - 12 weeks 4 day, and Aishy's baby!2002-12-18 - Jethro anyone???2002-12-17 - 12 weeks 1 day2002-12-16 - Updates2002-12-16 - 12 WEEKS!!!2002-12-13 - nothing new2002-12-12 - pg stuff2002-12-11 - Hungry2002-12-10 - 11 weeks! :)2002-12-07 - Weekend away2002-12-06 - baby size2002-12-05 - TIRED2002-12-04 - Just letting ya know2002-12-04 - 10 weeks 2 days2002-12-03 - UGH Sick2002-12-03 - Getting Fat! :)2002-12-02 - 10 weeks2002-12-01 - hearing nibblet2002-11-28 - Happy Thanksgiving2002-09-27 - Updates2002-11-26 - My appt.2002-11-26 - nervous2002-11-25 - 9 weeks, Dr appt tomorrow2002-11-23 - not much2002-11-22 - 8 weeks 4 days2002-11-21 - food2002-11-20 - Only 6 more days2002-11-18 - 8 weeks2002-11-17 - Just stuff ~ 7 weeks 6 days2002-11-15 - cravings , adversions, and tiredness2002-11-14 - 7 weeks 3 days and not much to say2002-11-13 - Cheese and Crackers2002-11-12 - 7 weeks 1 day2002-11-10 - 6 weeks 6 days2002-11-08 - 6 weeks 4 days2002-11-07 - Update2002-11-07 - I wonder...2002-11-06 - Blah Feeling2002-11-06 - feeling awful2002-11-05 - 6 weeks 1 day and we're back2002-11-01 - going out of town2002-10-11 - 5 weeks 3 days2002-10-30 - feeling well2002-10-29 - Surprise Surprise2002-10-29 - Its confirmed2002-10-29 - Blood Test is today2002-10-29 - Blood Test is today2002-10-28 - 5 weeks2002-10-27 - My dream2002-10-27 - 4 weeks 6 days2002-10-26 - I will not worry2002-10-25 - Telling my mom2002-10-25 - 4 weeks 4 day2002-10-24 - made appt2002-10-24 - tired and rambling2002-10-23 - reading Jaidyns pg journal2002-10-23 - the fear2002-10-22 - symptoms2002-10-22 - Pictures2002-10-22 - birth plan2002-10-22 - misc2002-10-22 - Belly Gallery!2002-10-22 - yep, still pg2002-10-21 - Covering Up2002-10-21 - Names2002-10-21 - Weight2002-10-21 - telling Brian2002-10-21 - Week 4 and Finding Out!