
Chase Man

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Noah & Jaidyn

About Chase
Born: 6 -20-03
Age: 2 Years
25 lbs
36 inches
Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister.
Dislikes: being told no.

Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.


2003-02-25 ~ 2:48 p.m.

My Rant

You know what annoys me?? People who complain TOOOOOO much about pregnancy. I mean come on, yes there are things to complain about, and in about another 8 weeks or so when I hit 30 weeks I will complain more, and of course the closer to 40 weeks I get the more I will get uncomfortable and start complaining some, but come on people!

I am 22 weeks, I feel wonderful. This is the fun part of pregnancy. No morning sickness like in the beginning (though I didn't have that! lol) and the baby isn't big enough to make me completely uncomfortable like in the end.

Right now I am in the fun part. The part where I can watch my belly move with my baby, feel my little boy kicking me, punching me, and rolling around inside of me, when I can still get off the floor without help, tie my own shoes (though I have never not been able to do that). Its the fun part, and yet I hear soooo many woman complain all the way through their pregnancies.

What is there to complain about?? I mean come on guys, yes for 40 weeks (give or take a couple weeks) our bodies aren't controlled by us, we change, our hormones change, but in the end we get the mosdt wonderful little gift of all. The gift of a baby, whose like was created by you and your hubby (or partener or whatever in whatever case your in) There are MANY woman who want babies and can't have them, or it takes them years and years to have them. Many woman who suffer many losses and would do ANYTHING and go through whatever for 9 months of carring a healthy baby and to hold their precious newborns.

Sorry I know I am ranting, but I read a post somewhere about someone who HATED being pregnant and couldn't wait until it was over. She is 18 weeks, and sounds so ungrateful for what God has given her. What she was blessed with. Sometimes I think we just have to suck it up and know there are prices to pay for every good thing in life.

With that said, I am going to have a niece on March 5th. She isn't due until the 20th, but they will be inducing (or c sect not positive which) her on the 5th. I won't get into my opinions of inductions, especially early inductions, becuase well this entry will get even longer and longer with that rant. But all in all I will have a new niece on March 5th which is pretty dang neat, even if I don't agree with inductions unless its proven to be medically necciary...

I have more to rant about, but I won't get into that today...

And how is your day?? Sign my guestbook PLEASE!! you all read and I feel so unloved that no one leaves me a message! lol (j/k not unloved really, but still leave me a mewsage okay?? PLEASE! lol)

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