
Chase Man

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Noah & Jaidyn

About Chase
Born: 6 -20-03
Age: 2 Years
25 lbs
36 inches
Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister.
Dislikes: being told no.

Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.


2003-06-03 ~ 7:35 a.m.

spending time

36 weeks 1 day and counting 6-27 days left! :)

Sometimes I feel bad because I am so ready for him to come, but then whenI think about it I don't want him here before HE is ready you know??

There is a lady on a message board who is only 35 weeks and had contractions all day yesterday she was hoping her baby would come yesterday but he didn't. All I could think is yeah I want my baby but not before the end of the this week or at 37 weeks you know?? When he is considered term and not a premie??

Speaking of the baby he is kicking me right now :) gotta love the little guy! :)

I realized last night when I was holding a half sleeping Jaidyn in my arms that when Chase gets here she won't be my "baby" anymore. She will be a big sister and that is kind of sad! She is my sweetie, my baby girl you know??

So my goal is to spend as much time enjoying Noah and Jaidyn before the baby comes. Making sure thney get the extra time they need you iknow??

Like today we are going to the store when everyone gets up so I can get them shirts and the pant stuff to make their big brother/ big sister shirts. I want them to help make those so they feel special you know? So we are going to do that today. I will probably find us some more craft type of thing to do too. We are also making the baby a I am the baby onesie too so that should be fun right??

Only thing I hate is the kids and I are going to the store alone. I have this awful fear of going into labor or having my water broke when I am somewhere alone with the kids! lol :) The store we will be going to is about 15 minutes away which isn't bad really so that is good. But yeah with my histpry of short labors, my water braking in my sleep with no contractions first, you think about these things!

Dr appt is on Thursday! 2 more days and I get to see my little man again on U/S. I need to see him again. Its like my old worries are coming back of something going wrong now that I am at the end. I know nothing will but its June, and that means July 1st & 2nd are coming up soon, and those are not happy days for me. I can't belive its almost been a year since we lost our little angel. At this point last year I was pregnant but things were not rihgt and I knew it, but didn't know how not right they would be.

Thank goodness Chase moves inside of me all the time, it keeps the worrying down some. I just want to be holding him by the 1st and 2nd, so I can have my little boy and hopefully it will help those two days not be as awful for me you know?? If I am still pregnant on thos days (I could being due on the 30th!) I think I will go crazy..

Anyway I am rambling! Oh I had Jaidyn at 38 weeks so that would only be 13 days from now! lol Chase can come then if he wants to! lol :)

Okay Noah just woke up and Jaidyn will be up soon, I need to find us some breakfast so we can go to the store early this morning so we can get back intime to get things done around here!

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