
Chase Man

Chase's Links:
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Noah & Jaidyn

About Chase
Born: 6 -20-03
Age: 2 Years
25 lbs
36 inches
Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister.
Dislikes: being told no.

Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.


2003-02-03 ~ 8:10 a.m.

19 weeks

So I am 19 weeks. I am really 19 weeks! WOW! Amazing isn't it?? Its gone quickly it has, but it still feels like there is forever to go and I really really want it to be july soon so I will have my baby!

So what to day about 19 weeks, I feel huge these days! lol I like it though I know I really look pregnant now which is nice (if you haven't checked, look in at the belly pics page for 18 week pics). I feel the baby alot. At first and still sometimes I question if its really the baby or gas or something, but it happens way too often and only when I am laying or sitting down for it to be anything but Nibblet. I actually feel great most of the time. I imagine I am slightly moody, and know I have been tiring more easily, but I feel great, and have been able to get a lot done in the day without a problem.

Food is good, I eat anything and everything! lol Well anything I like and anything I want that is. I don't think I have gained more then 7 lbs so far so that is good. I gained 63 with Noah, 10 or 12 with Jaidyn, so this time I am hoping for the normal 20-25 lbs or so! (I gained too much with Noah, and not enough so I was told, with Jaidyn)

19 weeks amazing. Almost half way there. 21 weeks left until my due date! 18 more weeks until its fine for this baby to come! WOW it is getitng closer but yet soooo far away.

I think about nibblet all the time now. Wondering what he or she will look like, how big nibblet will be, and all that stuff. Being pregnant so much last year and still not having a baby to show for it has really gotten me ready for this baby!

A week from today we have our u/s and I should be able to tell ya what nibblet is. Then maybe just maybe Brian and I can start to agree on a name?? Maybe?? lol NOT!

After the u/s anmd when we get our tax return in I am going to start shopping for baby! YAY Can't wait!

Anyway that is it 19 weeks, getting big, feeling good, feeling the baby, and can't wait to see nibblet next week on u/s and start buying things for this munchkin!

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