
Chase Man

Chase's Links:
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Noah & Jaidyn

About Chase
Born: 6 -20-03
Age: 2 Years
25 lbs
36 inches
Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister.
Dislikes: being told no.

Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.


2002-02-10 ~ 5:15 p.m.

Nibblets a......

Well as most of you know I had my appt today! It was at 1:30 and went really well. I have gained 10 lbs for this pregnancy so far, which isn't too bad for half way through the pregnancy now! I still can't beleive I am 20 weeks...

My blood pressure was good, and it took the nurse a minute to find the heartbeat which of course scared me, but she also wasn't looking on the right side for the baby and then she finally found it.

Dr came in soon after and asked what we thought we would have. We said we didn't know but I guessed girl and Brian guessed boy. The dr put the u/s thingy on my belly and we saw right away that the baby was spine up facing the outside of my belly. Head was up by my belly button and feet down low. I knew this pretty much from the way its been kicking me lately! lol After a few minutes we got an angle to see the baby, and we saw the face, a hand with 5 fingers, a flicker or a heartbeat (he didn't stay there long and I had to ask Brian if he saw it flicker too to make sure) but he did see the 4 chambers and everything else he said he should see. Then right when he was about to give up, he was able to finally tell what the baby was. He said he was 95% sure what we would be having. I asked if that was enough of a % to tell everyone and he said afeter the looking at the picture, that he would tell go ahead and tell everyone, because after looking at the picture, he was even more sure.... So you want to know what what nibblet is????

Nibblet is a ....




So Noah is happy to be having his brother, and Brian and I are excited for another boy too! :) YAY I didn't really care what I was having as long as it was a healtjhy baby, which HE is!

I go back on March 3 and I am having antoher u/s the dr didn't do all his measurements and right after he found out it was a boy and printed the picture, a nurse popped in and said something about someone being ready, and from what I gather he was going to deliever a baby at the hospital so he was rushed. So on March 3 I get another u/s to do all the measurements and such, and plus an added bonus of being able to make sure Nibblet is for sure a boy.

Here is baby BOY Nibblets U/S Picture:

I have belly pictures but I will upload those later tongiht and all that stuff@ :)

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