
Chase Man

Chase's Links:
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Noah & Jaidyn

About Chase
Born: 6 -20-03
Age: 2 Years
25 lbs
36 inches
Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister.
Dislikes: being told no.

Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.


2003-03-21 ~ 7:59 a.m.


Nothing exciting today! Chase was a regular wiggle worm yesterday which is always nice, after my appt. If you ahven't read about my dr appt, go to the page before this okay??

Anyway, I told my husband last night that we could have this baby 12 to 15 weeks from now and that doesn't sound like long to me after thinking about the fact that its 37 to 40 weeks of pregnancy and that I have already been through 25 weeks and 4 days worth of those weeks. Anyway he says "Yeah but that is still a couple months from now" UGH I wanted to slap him! Don't make a pregnant woman feel like its forever from now!

I should get my UPS package in today with 2 more outfits for Chase! :) Awww So he will have 6 outfits so far! I need to go shopping this weekend and buy him something else (just cause) and buy my soon to be niece something! She SHOULD be born today! My SIL is being inducted as we speak. I talked to my BIL (brian's brother) and he is excited. This is his wives 3rd baby but his 1st! He sounds like he is really excited! :) If my husband wasn't going fishing this weekend we would go down there! UGH to him fishing over the weekend (saturday morning until sunday not) when I get to stay home alone with the kids and be pregnant! lol

Anyway I measured my uterus last night and it measures pretty much right on, so I am not sure why the dr thinks I am measuring smaller. I do remember with Jaidyn they told me there was no way I was 9 months pregnant when I went into labor with her, but yeah I was! lol I don't know. Maybe he didn't get a good feel at my uterus?? Not sure, just weird, because I can feel it right where its supposed to be! hmmm.. Oh well not that I like dr's or completely trust them anyway...

So anyway later I will probably update and tell ya about my niece if she is born today (she was induced 3 weeks after ehr due date with her son (now 10 years old) and it took her 15 hours to have him at that point so this may take awhile)

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