
Chase Man

Chase's Links:
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About Chase
Born: 6 -20-03
Age: 2 Years
25 lbs
36 inches
Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister.
Dislikes: being told no.

Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.


2003-03-28 ~ 7:52 a.m.

Movement, complaining & rambling

So what to say, its Friday, so not too much longer and I will hit 27 weeks! WOW huh???

Its going quick and slow all at once! :)

Last night I was in a complaining mood in my regular diary (if you don't read that one and want the link ask and I will probably give it to ya) about everything. I felt sick and had bad bad heartburn. But I resolved not to complain too much, because I DO love being pregnant, carring this baby, feeling him moving, and helping him grow by him being in there...

So yes probably soon you will see increased complaining, but I can promise you I am not like those people who complain about everything all the time! Pregnancy takes over your body, it does things to it we don't like, or can't imagine happening, BUT then again we knew these things before getting pregnant (those of us with other kids did anyhow) so we knew what we were getting into, so LIVE with it, I say! :)

9 months of a little inconvience in my body isn't too long when you consider what my outcome will be. a beautiful (yes I know he will be beautiful because my otehr two children are) baby boy (or girl if the dr was wrong! lol) for me to hold, nurse, cuddle and nurture. Its all worth it to me yes...

a little bit of sad me hass come out lately, because well this was the time of the year last year, when I found out I was pregnant with our Angel baby. :( I saw on a bored I visit where someone has the due date Dec 10, 2003 and it kills me to see that its been a year and someone else has that same due date a year later. Makes me realize exactly when my angel baby was concieved.

BUT I do have my baby boy Chase growing inside of me, and for him I am so greatful! :) I love this little one, more now then you can imagine, and I have yet to meet him. His kicks make me smile (except when he is kicking my stomach and I feel like I have to puke) Just knowing he is in there makes me happy! :)

Speaking of his kicks he is wiggling so much this morning. When I woke up I just laid there and watch and felt him move! He was all over the place and really HIGH in my belly!! Like above my belly button! Silly boy! oh there he goes again, I just got pushed on from both sides, so he is trying to stretch out in there again! I tried telling him there was no room, but does he listen to me?? Of course not! lol

Anyway so I am 26 weeks and 4 days so 13.6 weeks until my due date! :) YAY 10.6 weeks until 37 weeks and he is considered term! WOW huh???

Not too much longer. Oh and my niece is 1 week old today! well okay at 3:37 she will be 1 week old! I can't wait until next week! I will see her on Friday of next week, so she will be 2 weeks old! I can't wait to hold her!!! But I know it will make me want Chase even more!

When I was pregnant with Jaidyn, I had a friend who gave birth exactly 1 month beofre me, and I held her baby and cuddled him and couldn't wait for Jaidyn to get here! lol

WOW I am rambling on, this entry is long isn't it??? Forgive me because tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 24! :) I am starting to get old! lol

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