
Chase Man

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Noah & Jaidyn

About Chase
Born: 6 -20-03
Age: 2 Years
25 lbs
36 inches
Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister.
Dislikes: being told no.

Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.


2003-04-23 ~ 9:47 a.m.

Questions & can't wait

On one of my message boards we have a list of questions we all plan on answering after our June/July babies are born. Well I thought it would be fun to answer the questions for my other two pregnancies here now; and then after Chase is born, I will post the same questions with the answers from his birth. Just something fun to compare all three of my pregnancies to you know??

anyway here it goes:

1: How many times did you go to L&D thinking that was it? With Noah I went to the hospital and got sent home, and he was born that night at HOME. With JAidyn I went just an hour or so before she was born. I never had prelabor or false labor with my kiddos

2: Did you drive yourself to the hospital, DH or somebody else? with Noah the abumlance took Noah and I to the hospital; with Jaidyn Brian did (he made a 30 minute drive in less then 12 minutes! lol)

3: Did you loose your mucus plug if so when? With Noah, I remember seeing parts of it at different time a day or two before he was born, with Jaidyn I never saw it so I have no idea when I lost it! lol

4: Where you induced? How did it feel? nope,though I was scheduled to be induced with Noah but he didn't make it that far. I won't have an induction unless its completely neccesary though

5: How long was your labor? With Noah I am not sure total labor since I didn't have any real pain until the end, but I can tell you for sure 30 to 45 minutes! 4.5 hours with Jaidyn. I have short labors (Please Chase follow this pattern)

6: How long did you push for? with Noah about 15 minutes; with Jaidyn about 20-30 I think

7: Did you have any pain meds or epidural? Nope none either time and not this time either! :)

8: Was the birth what you expected?Noah's wasn't really. I didn't know much about birth then and planned on induction and epidural, but ended up at home, on his time and no pain meds. Jaidyns was more what I had expected; fast, unmedicated and all back labor!

9: How helpful was your support person? With Noah my mom was my support person. I held on to her as I pushed, and Brian stood behind my head tlaking to me; they were both great. With Jaidyn; Brian was my sole support and he was wonderful! He rubbed my back while holding Noah, kept telling me I was doing great and just being really supportive

10: How did you feel afterwards? After Noah I was tired, excited, thrilled and totally in love with my new baby boy. With Jaidyn I felt happy, excited, in love with my new baby girl and actually pretty good!

11: Did you follow your birth plan? With Noah, NO! lol With Jaidyn it all went pretty much the way I had wanted!

12: Did you film the birth or take Pictures? We forgot about taking pictures during Noah's birth but we got one right after he was born still in my living room with him. With Jaidyn we forgot the camera and didn't get a picture until she was about 30 minutes old :( for me being such a picture nut this aggervates me, of course I am the one who normally remembers to take pictures and I don't see me taking pictures inbetween pushing! lol

13: How long was your hospital stay? With Noah it was 2 days because I had tears all over and had to have antibotics and such and they had to watch all my stitches (I tore in several different places down there, and in places you shouldn't tear when having a baby; but he came so fast there was no way to stop it) With Jaidyn I was there for 24 hours and then went home on my own choice

14: Did you bring everything you needed? Were you missing something or brought too much in your hospital bag? I never have had a bag packed for the hospital! lol Brian had to bring me everything later! lol

15: Did you have lots of visitors? With Noah yes, we lived near family so they were all in and out, and the EMTS who deliveried him came to visit and scuh. With Jaidyn it was just Brian, Noah and the wife of one of the guys Brian works with who came to visit me, but the day I got hoem my MIL, my mom, my sister and my grandma all came up to visit.

16: Did you breastfeed, formula fed? How soon after the birth did you feed the baby for the first time?

With Noah I formula feed, I don't remember exactly the first tiem I feed him. With JAidyn I nursed and I nursed her right after she was born.z

17: Did the lactation specialist show up? the day I went home right before we left but Jaidyn and I had already gotten it down by then!

18: Did the going home outfit fit the baby or was it too big or small? Noah's going home outfit was too big! He was so tiny! Jaidyn's was too big too, she was also tiny! :)

19: Were you early, late, on time. By how many days or weeks? with Noah I exactly 1 week late (he was due Aug 3 and born Aug 10th) Jaidyn was 10 days early (due Feb 10th, born Jan 31st) (Please Chase be like your sister and come early!!!)

20: Was there something you wished you could have done before coming home? nope

21: Were you missing something for the baby when you got home or did you buy everything you needed? with noah I had everything I needed, but he was my first and I had baby showers and people gave me lots of stuff. With Jaidyn we had most things but we didn't know what she would be so we had to go out and buy girl clothes after she was born!

22: Did you loose any weight after the birth if so how much? With Noah I lost 30 lbs of the 63 I gained right away. With Jaidyn I lost the 10 I gained during her pregnancy right away; and lost 10 more lbs that I didn't gain with her in the month afterwards!

23: Is there any advice you would give to future mommies? don't be surprised if things don't go as you had hoped or planned. Labor and Birth can be unpredictable and you never know when or how it will go!

So yeah in 6.8-9.8 weeks look for answers for this questions with Chase's info! lol

Anyone have any birthstories I can read?? I am so into reading, watching, hearing about babies being born! I have enjoyed this pregnancy, and having my little guy inside of me, but boy I can't wait to meet him!

I wonder if he will be born with a little hair like Noah or lots of dark hair like Jaidyn?? Maybe he will be born with blonde hair like Brian and I were. Will he have Brian and the kids eys? Will he have the kids chubby cheeks? Will he be calm and quiet like his brother was; or aggersive and loud like his sister was?? I can't wait to get answers to all these questions and ten million more I have!

Pregnancy is great! I hate gaining weight but I love getting a belly from a baby growing inside of me, I love getting kicking even if it is in the ribs, I love knowing he is growing inside of me, but I have stressed and continue to stress so much over this pregnant. After our loss I have noticed I worry about things I never worried about before. I just can't wait to have this little man, and be able to hold him, see him and know everything is okay you know??

Not much longer I know; sometimes it feels so soon, sometimes so far away.

Its amazing that in just a couple months my family will go from the family of 4 we have been for almost 2.5 years to the family of 5. wow...

Anyway I am rambling but I am lost in the world of the little guy I carry inside of me, my little Nibblet! :)

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