
Chase Man

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Noah & Jaidyn

About Chase
Born: 6 -20-03
Age: 2 Years
25 lbs
36 inches
Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister.
Dislikes: being told no.

Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.


2003-05-19 ~ 6:32 a.m.

34 weeks!

Can i really be 34 weeks now?? Really?? WOW!

That is 3-6 weeks left until Nibblet can come! WOW You know that is 21-42 days! Not much longer at all! WOW

I can't wait! :) YAY

Anyway since my dr appt and finding out my gluclose levels were better then they EVER have been during pregnancy, I am feeling WONDERFUL! lol I am not stressing about everything anymore which is nice.

Finally at 34 weeks I am pretty much done worring. I am more just excited and ready! Chase moves all the time, no matter what I am doing these days! lol He likes to roll around the most then I am sitting in this chair at the computer! Goofy boy!

My in laws came up and brought diapers from Brian's brother and his wife, since Paige has outgrown some of hers they gave us the extra packs! YAY

I wanted to cloth diaper in a way, but I just never got around to finding out what all I needed and getting the stuff. Maybe I will still try to do it after he is born!

Anyway I just can't wait wait wait until my little man comes! I am excited to have 3 children (a little nervous too! lol). I am excited about meeting him, seeing what he looks like, looking into his sweet little eyes, and holding him close. I just can't can't can't wait (I know I say that alot)

I know , Noah is ready, he keeps asking when the baby is coming, and I keep telling him it won't be much longer! lol Noah is ready to have his mommy back. The one who could run and chase after him, play with him more, and do more things more easily then she can now!

Jaidyn doesn't really care about the baby yet, but then again she doesn't totally understand. She knows we have things here for the baby, and that a baby is in my belly but truely at her age, she has no clue what having a baby actually means!

I ordered JAidyn's froggy dress and shirt, and got Noah a froggy shirt to go with Chase's stuff! YAY So they will all match and get their pics done in them too! I can't wait! lol

I need to get Noah's shirt, and Jaidyn's shirt so we can make their big brother/ big sister shirts, and fix the onesie for the baby that says "I'm the baby" I figured the kids would help me make theirs that way we kind of will be doing something for the baby ya know??

Anyway my ankles and fingers are still swollen this morning, but not near as much as they were yesterday! YAY I stayed off my feet a little more yesterday which was good for me I think.

This week is going to be a long week, because I have nothing really planned, no drs appts, no nothing... sigh... I want it to go more quickly! lol

I truelly can't beleive its almost time to have Chase, but then again I am so ready too. Its weird!

I was thinking last night though, how much I will miss being pregnant and feeling a baby move inside of me when he is born, because he is to be my last little munchkin ya know?? Kind of sad.

I think though I will be happy with just 3 kids. I really feel more complete, comfortable being able to do all the things we want to do for 3 kids without struggling, and it just seems right for our family. Of course nothing perminent will be decided anytime soon. I am only 24 and Brian 23!!

Anyway rmabling but hey its a long entry from me for once yes??

34 weeks! :) 3 weeks until term, 4 weeks until the time Jaidyn was born, 6 weeks until my due date, and 7 weeks utnil the point when Noah was born! :) Any way you look at it its not too much longer (but we are hoping closer to 3-4 weeks instead of 6-7 lol)

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