
Chase Man

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About Chase
Born: 6 -20-03
Age: 2 Years
25 lbs
36 inches
Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister.
Dislikes: being told no.

Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.


2003-05-23 ~ 8:25 a.m.

My dream, my vent & my baby

34 weeks 4 days! :)

I had a dream last night about giving birth and now I can't wait! lol Of course in my dream it was exactly the way I wish I could do it. In my dream I was laying on the couch with contractions but not very strong ones and fell to sleep. I woke up a little later with worse ones, and then of cause since it was a dream I don't remember some of it and then the next thing I knew I felt all the pressure and the burning feeling of his head coming out. I reached down and grabbed my baby and with the next push he came out! Wouldn't that be great??? I would love to do it on my own. I so wish Brian and I had more agreement on birth and such! sigh.... The only thing we completely cannot agree on is my more natural birth and labor style and his thinking a hospital is the only way! Anyway my dream was great and in it I had this healthy little boy! I sooooo can't wait now! I need to not dream about having my little man! lol

I need to make it atleast until 36 weeks and Brian is starting to worry I won't make it much past then because all this pressure I am having, the lower back aches, decreased eating, the loss of a couple pounds (I always lose a couple lbs just a tad before baby comes) and how low the baby is now days.

I told him it could just be my body getting ready and we could still make it to 40 weeks or later, but he keeps saying it will be sooner! lol I reminded him I still have a 1 weeks 3 days until 36 weeks and I have to make it atleast until then! lol

Of course I would love for little man to come at 37 weeks or so, but I am not holding out hope!

Oh my boards. Well one board anyway, I am on for pregnancy, I shouldn't read it. Really I shouldn't. Why you ask??? Because seriously they annoy me sometimes.

Two people on this group are having inductions almost 2 weeks early because (get this) their families can make it up then and they want their babies born when their families are there! Oh my that just so isn't the reason for indcutions!! Sorry but labor and delivery aren't supposed to be planned for convinance!!! I want to hit their drs for agreeing to these inductions for these reasons!

IUgh sorry to vent. It just annoys me...

Yes, I would consider induction if I was gone over due for a long period of time, or if this babys health depended on it, but not because I was told no one could have a big baby, because you just don't know until you try right?? and not because its convinant for my family to already be planning a trip at that time, so why not just have a baby while they are here?

Yeah sorry to vent. I shouldn't really. Everyone has their own right to beleive and choose the way they labor and birth thier babies. I have no problems with inductions or c-sections when they are needed, just when they are done for things like I meantioned above. I would never critize someone for using pain meds, even though I don't use them for labor and delivery.

You know one woman said once that she was getting the epi because "she had no need to be superwoman and do it with all the pain when it wasn't neccasary" (exactly quote) Well I don't not use pain meds to be super woman, and I personally enjoy my labor and deliveries when I can feel what is going on! I know what my body is ready for before the dr does this way, and dang it that is way I like it! I don't try and be super human. I won't say it doesn't hurt, but I still enjoy it!!

Okay sorry that vent came out of no where! Sorry :)

Anyway if you read this and for some reason my views aren't the same as your own, sorry! I really respect others dicisions to make their own choices on things and would never judge anyone for how they choice to birth a baby, but I get aggervated sometimes at all the whining I listen to sometimes on that message board just gets to me...

Anyway Chase was active last night and he is quieter agian this morning. I really think he is going to be a morning sleeper and up all evening and night from his patterns here! lol Gotta love my baby boy.

Oh you know I asked Brian what we were gonna do if Chase ends up a girl?? lol he laughed and said ,"Return the boy things and pick a different name." lol Crazy Brian! I love him too much! Noah would be upset if we had another girl. He wants a brother and ONLY a brother because well "he has a sisters" as he says! lol

Jaidyn of course cares less what the baby is. She isn't even excited or undertstand it yet.

What is sad is she won't be my "baby, baby" anymore in ujust a couple more weeks! whhaaa That is going to be hard to let sing in ya know??

Anyway this is getting long, and well I need to go get some things done. Sorry to vent to you but thanks for listening.

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