
Chase Man

Chase's Links:
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Noah & Jaidyn

About Chase
Born: 6 -20-03
Age: 2 Years
25 lbs
36 inches
Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister.
Dislikes: being told no.

Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.


2003-06-05 ~ 2:12 p.m.

My 36.5 week appt

I had my 36.5 week appt today! All went well. I actually lost a lb, I had my first internal and no real changes which doesn't surprise me because I have never dilated and such before I went into labor with my other two so I don't hold much to that as to when I will go into labor anyway! :) Blood pressure was good, urine was good, and everything.

I had an u/s and he is still he! lol He was practicing his breathing, the fluid looksed good around him and everything was great! (Heartrate about 156-160) He is a little on the small side, but all of my babies have been so we aren't really worried. They says he is about 5 lbs 2 oz, just a tad under average (5.5 lbs) for my week and such. Dr isn't worried because Noah was only 7 lbs at birth and he was a week late, but we w8ill have anohter u/s next week to check on his growth and make sure he grows like he should! :) If he doesn't grow much then we will talk about inducing next week or at 38 weeks,dpending on what is better for the baby!

I go back next week on thursday and will get to see my little man again! :) OhI wanted to add a little side note here. I know I have always said how against inductions I am! I still am actually BUT if my baby needs tocome out early because he is not growing like he needs to inside me, then I will do anything to make sure he is healthy! :) Just figured I should say something, since I complain so much about people with inductions and I have had someone ask me why I would have one if I was so against them. Like I said before I am against inductions for convince reasons, but understand there are medical reasons for them as well (you can go back and read any entry I have about inductions and I will always say there are medical reasons for them as well) and I may face that if little Chase doesn't grow any over the next week or so you know?? Okay just wanted to clear that up before I got gb entries or emails about how I say I am against something and then may be going to have one. Its not a matter of choice if I end up having one, it will be because its medically necciary for Chase, and better for him :) That said I will go again! :)

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